

2020年9月6日 in 非洲国际货运公司
深圳市东成达国际货运代理有限公司东环公司经过多年的努力以及广大客户的信任与厚爱,现公司已积累了相当的经验与实力,并聚集了一批相当固定且非常忠诚的客户群体以及一批富有敬业精神的专业员工队伍。 为了便于公司的长远发展,也为了能够更好的开展业务以及服务广大客户,同时也为了更大的提高本公司的社会知名度,经公司领导慎重考虑已于2014年1月17日正式更名为深圳市东成达国际货运代理有限公司—旭日东升 马到成功 通天达地。更名后的我们将以此为新的起点,将以暂新的面貌和饱满的热情迎接新的机遇与挑战,面对激烈的市场竞争,DCD将一如继往坚持:真诚合作、诚信服务、共创双赢为企业经营理念。本着更方便、更快捷、更安全的服务宗旨。竭诚为新老客户提供更优质、更满意的物流服务。我们多样化的走货渠道和方式不仅能满足您多样化的货运需求还能在不影响货运时效的条件下为您节省费用提高经济效率。Fumigation Service

You can intrust our agents with formal fumigation certificate which is issued by large fumigation corporation in Hong Kong of national government recognized. There are common two ways of fumigation: use medicine and heat treatment. Methyl bromide ,with insecticidal、antifungal、phytocidal ,is commonly used in fumigation. Our strength:

u24-hour service;

uDisinfection without opening the door

uReceive certification within 3 days.

Import Service

our agency network is all over the world, which can fulfill your transportation requirements of FOB contract for any China customers and provide advisory services of import transportations information before you signing the import contract.

At the same time ,our staff of import department, with experience in imports declaring & distributing, are able to offer most professional clearance & distribution services that make sure your imported goods arrive at the specify container at first.


